Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Road To Recovery: Mile 6

I went to see Dr. Mandelbaum for my 6 week post-op checkup yesterday. He seems to think everything is coming along fine. I still have some swelling, but he said that it looked normal. The big news is that he officially gave me the OK to ditch the crutches!! That would be bigger news if I could actually do without them right now. Unfortunately, my right leg is so atrophied that walking without assistance is a joke. I am trying to start using only one crutch though, and although it's difficult, I can pull it off for short distances. The best part of this is that I can actually pick something up and carry it from one place to another!!! WOW!! It's the simple things in life, really.

It's time to start official physical therapy now as well, so I'm trying to set up some appointments now. One thing that I'm hoping will go away is a weird combination of pain and numbness in my right foot. I'm hoping that it's just the result of it not bearing weight for 6 weeks. In the meantime, it sucks!!!

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