Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Lets Have A Look At His Chart Doctor...

So the bike disease has been exhibiting some interesting symptoms recently. Here's a closer look:

Symptom #1: Dramatic Change in Diet

It's becoming hard to mentally reconcile the old intake with the new. I used to drink every day (not with complete reckless abandon..most of the time). I used to smoke. I used to eat...pretty much anything I wanted, and more importantly in any quantity I desired. I'm not a hardcore calorie counter, and I'm not good at completely cutting out anything that I really love to eat, but I just eat less of it now. This can be directly linked to the "Bike Disease" because I was cycling my heart out and having virtually nothing to show for it in terms of weight loss. I was just putting back all of those calories I was burning off. Q: How can I be all smug about riding a bike everywhere if I'm still sporting a "muffin top?" A: I can't.

As a result, my regular breakfast has changed from this:

To this:

I think that's pretty self explanatory.

Symptom #2: Alarming Increase in Number of Bicycles in Apartment

Thanks to a very understanding girlfriend, I have managed to store a borderline...OK maybe not so borderline number of bikes in and near the apartment over the last year. Right now, the "Stable" includes 6 bikes. With the help of Craig and his "list," that will hopefully soon drop to 4.

Let's a have a look at the specimens:

Bianchi Campione Del Mondo aka "The Toothpaste Special"

This is a beautiful Italian steel frame from the mid-nineties. Now my daily commuter and someday touring bike.

Pinarello Surprise

My "go fast and pretend you know what you're doing" bike.

IRO Mark V (pictured here when one could still have a reasonable amount of space in a Red Line car)

The bike that has been identified as the origin of the Bike Disease. Soon to be retired due to financial / space concerns (and the fact that my knees are pissed at me).

Flying Pigeon

Don't get me started.

Unfortunately "The Grocery Getter" and "The Frog" are not making an appearance in this post. The former is..well...ugly and prefers to sleep out behind the apartment, and the latter is under construction (I swear).

Symptom #3: Strange Change In Clothing

Apparently, 20 miles of bike commuting M-F isn't enough for me. So I've been taking to extra rides where I don't really have a destination. Consequently, I've been spotted getting on my bike with only the following items:

No backpack? No U-lock? Wait, you mean you're just riding...to ride? I thought the day would never come. Not to mention the whole spandex thing. But that's for another post.

What's...happening..to me??!!

More updates as the disease evolves...


Andrés said...

You're getting close, grasshopper. Nivea is my shaving cream of choice. Be careful around the back of the knees, as that skin is very delicate. Now, man-up and depilate.

DJ said...

I think I've had the bike disease since about January of this year.
Interesting to see where I'll be in a year from now. Great blog. Ride on!

Jimmy OT said...

So you said chicks think the shaved legs are sexy, right Andres? God I hope so. Otherwise Tam is gonna bail out soon.

Thanks for the encouragement DJ. Good luck with your ailment my friend.