Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I Forgot All About You Mr. Knee

The century is over. I survived. I had a great time despite some hand / butt / foot pain towards the end. Here's a picture of me with an inexplicable cocky douchebag smirk on my face at the start of the race.

The smirk is appropriate, as I feel it represents my arrogance and general stupidity in not taking the time to get a proper bike fit before this ride, which would have likely prevented a rather painful injury that I didn't foresee. The caption here should read, "Bike fit??? Puh-lease!! Does it look like I need to waste my time with that? I mean, look at these super-rad sunglasses, this hot Italian road bike and this form fitting spandex clown suit. Can't you tell that I clearly know what I'm doing here? OK, let's ride people!! Out of my way!!!"

So while three body part friends that I was most concerned about did in fact rebel somewhat on Saturday, it turns out the one I needed to be worried about was my damned knee all along. It looks like due to the long distance, and more importantly, my laziness in getting a proper bike fit, I have injured my knee. I'm not sure of the severity, I just know it hurts. Well, I suppose it could be worse, but I consider the fact that I can't ride my bike now without pretty excruciating pain in my right knee, to be pretty bad.

I'm rocking the R.I.C.E. + ibuprofen regiment, but there's one element to recorvery that I'm trying to figure out just how in the hell I'm going to be able to execute. Not riding my bike. Being that it's become my sole means of transportation, not to mention one of the few really enjoyable things that I do on a regular basis, I just don't see how I'm going to pull this one off. And yet, I don't really see how I can't either. The pain is bad. And obviosuly I don't want it to stay this way.

So now I'm in mad self-diagnosis mode now. I think it's patellar tendinitis, but I'm far from positive. So it's not the end of the world, but it still sucks big time. Hopefully my knee will cooperate and heal quickly.

1 comment:

mindful mule said...

Congrats on the Century! Hope you recover quickly. The next one will be easier...