Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My Knee, The Traitor

I've been nursing the right knee for the last two weeks since the century, and as of last week, I felt like it was getting somewhat better. So I went on a little bit longer of a ride yesterday and despite a little tenderness, it seemed to be holding up fairly well. So that got my hopes up a little, thinking that I might actually be able to go back to my beloved daily bicycle commutes. You know what they say about getting your hopes up right? Well, basically...don't.

I attempted the usual 10 mile commute to work today and after only about 4 miles, I could tell that I wasn't ready for it. My knee started it's damned aching pain again. By mile 8, I was in a lot more pain and just trying to make it to work at all. By the time I got there, my knee felt like it did the day after the century. Throbbing with pain. So basically, I feel like I just set the healing process back two weeks, and now I have to start all over again. And yes, I knew this was a possible outcome of riding too soon. And yes, I'm an idiot.

So it's back to square one. Stretching, R.I.C.E., and as little cycling as possible. Like pretty much none except for to and from the train. I'm going to try some new physical therapy ideas and some Glucosamine & Chondroitin supplements as well. Supposedly, they can help lubricate joints and help rebuild cartilage.

At this point, I'm willing to try standing on my head and praying to Kneebu, god of the knees.

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